Updated As Of: December 25, 2024
Friendly Reminder: Please always wash and/or clean all Second Products you purchase from any/all thrift stores before wearing and/or using.
Does Happily accept Gifts?
Yes we accept Gifts that we resell for profit which include clothes, variety of foot wear, accessories, Jewelry, small hardware, very small tables ( Dimensions must be 20.00 x 20.00 x 17.50 inches or smaller), Small Chairs ( Dimensions must be 17.50 x 17.50 31.50 inches or smaller) Decorative Pillows, ( Dimensions must be 20 x 28 inches or smaller) and more. Please read our policy/full Gifts list of what we accept To Resell For Profit & what we politely don't accept, the gift list can be found on our website's menu.
We Price And Resell All Gift Products For 50 Cents Or Less, a Gift Product can be priced for as low as 1 Cent.
Shipping Rate(s) are based on customer's address, the order's weight and dimensions.
Some products will have Free Shipping.
Happily also purchases second hand products in Bulk from second hand warehouses which Happily resells on it's website.
Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC politely does not accept Charitable donations Happily is a For Profit Thrift Store, we politely decline charitable donations.
Although We Are A For Profit Thrift Store, We Still Help Fight Against Poverty By Lowering Prices So That People Living In Poverty Can Afford Necessities.
Does Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC accept Charitable donations?
No, Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC politely does not accept Charitable donations Happily is a For Profit Thrift Store, we politely decline charitable donations.
Although We Are A For Profit Thrift Store, We Still Help Fight Against Poverty By Lowering Prices So That People Living In Poverty Can Afford Necessities.
We accept Gifts that we resell for profit which include clothes, variety of foot wear, accessories, Jewelry, small hardware, very small tables ( Dimensions must be 20.00 x 20.00 x 17.50 inches or smaller), Small Chairs ( Dimensions must be 17.50 x 17.50 31.50 inches or smaller) Decorative Pillows, ( Dimensions must be 20 x 28 inches or smaller) and more. Please read our policy/full Gifts list of what we accept To Resell For Profit & what we politely don't accept, the gift list can be found on our website's menu.
Which carrier do you use to ship your products?
We ship our products through USPS.
What is the Shipping Rate?
Shipping Rate(s) are based on customer's address, the order's weight and dimensions. Shipping rates varies. Some products will have free shipping.
Why is there a 70 lbs (Pounds) product limit for my online shopping cart?
We limit each online shopping cart 70 lbs per transaction because we ship our and sometimes may do return shipping through USPS if a customer requests a return. USPS does not mail products/items that weigh more than 70 pounds, any item exceeding the 70-pound weight limit is not mailable through USPS.
Where does your inventory come from?
Happily purchases second hand products in Bulk from second hand warehouses which Happily resells on it's website.
We also accept Gifts that we resell for profit which include clothes, variety of foot wear, accessories, Jewelry, small hardware, very small tables ( Dimensions must be 20.00 x 20.00 x 17.50 inches or smaller), Small Chairs ( Dimensions must be 17.50 x 17.50 31.50 inches or smaller) Decorative Pillows, ( Dimensions must be 20 x 28 inches or smaller) and more. Please read our policy/full Gifts list of what we accept To Resell For Profit & what we politely don't accept, the gift list can be found on our website's menu.
Do you accept cash gifts in the form of cash and/or coins?
Yes, we accept cash gifts in the form of cash and/or coins which can be mailed to our mailing at address at:
Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC
7900 International Dr #300
Bloomington, MN 55425
Do you accept cash gifts in the form of money order or checks?
Yes, we accept cash gifts in the form of both money orders and/or checks
which can be mailed to our mailing at address at:
Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC
7900 International Dr #300
Bloomington, MN 55425
please be sure to write "cash gift" in the memo section. This is for Tax reasons when we file taxes with the IRS.
Does Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC accept Tips?
Yes ,Tips can be given to Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC during Check Out on Our Website when you are completing your payments for products.
Is this company a For Profit thrift store or a Non Profit thrift store?
Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store is a For Profit thrift store.
Although We Are A For Profit Thrift Store, We Still Help Fight Against Poverty By Lowering Prices So That People Living In Poverty Can Afford Necessities.
Can I pay for Products with a money order or check?
No, all products can be purchased by paying with any/or all major debit/credit cards, apple pay, google pay and/or pay pal. We politely decline check/money order payments for products.
What is Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC's mailing address for Returns and/or Gifts?
Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC's Mailing Address For Returns and/or Gifts is
Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC
7900 International Dr #300
Bloomington, MN 55425
Can Returns and/or Gifts be dropped off?
No, returns and/or gifts can only be mailed. Please mail returns and/or gifts to
Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC
7900 International Dr #300
Bloomington, MN 55425
Why can't Returns and/or Gifts be dropped off?
There is a space limit for our mailing address which is not enough space to store returns and/or gifts. We prefer for our customers to mail returns and/or gifts if they decide to send returns and/or gifts. If a customer decides to mail a return and/or gifts, we pick up the return and/or gifts and immediately process it right away in our production room/office so that way return packages and/or gifts won't over pile up.
How often does Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC receive more Inventory/Products?
Available products will show in pages and/or Collections.
Pages without links, Collections without products/images/links means that those pages and/or collections are currently still under construction and that products are coming soon for those pages and/or collections and that the Links will be available soon for those pages and/or collections.
Current Available Products: Current products are being sorted/processed and will be available soon for purchase.
Product availability on website is subject to change at any time.
Product availability Updated As Of December 7, 2024. New Inventory/Products will be available every 2-4 weeks.
Does Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC wash, clean and sanitize it's Second Hand Products before shipping?
No, Please always wash and/or clean/sanitize all Second Products you purchase from Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC and/or any/other thrift stores before wearing and/or using. Our Second Hand Products are not washed/cleaned/sanitized before shipping due to Customer allergy reasons, some customers may be allergic to certain Laundry Soap detergents/other cleaning products, so we just friendly remind customers to wash/clean/sanitize second hand products with their own choice of Laundry Soap/cleaning supplies they use. Our second hand products are inspected for holes, stains, tears and/or any other damage. Our second products are sold As Is only if it has No holes, No Stains, No Tears and/or No Damage to it.
Our Policy On Washing Chemicals Out Of Clothes (Updated As Of November 21, 2024)
Washing Clothing before Wearing The Clothes helps Wash The Chemicals Out Of Clothes.
Please Always Wash The Clothes You Purchase rather it is second hand or brand new because there are chemicals in both second hand used clothes and there are chemicals in brand new clothes too.
Our Second Hand Products are not washed/cleaned/sanitized before shipping due to Customer allergy reasons, some customers may be allergic to certain Laundry Soap detergents/other cleaning products
This Policy can also be found in all product descriptions. A picture of this Policy can be found next to images of each product. This Policy will soon get printed on the back of Hang Tags and the front of Labels. Our Policy On Washing, Cleaning, Sanitation and As Is is currently printed on the back of all of our Hang Tags and will also soon be printed on the front of Labels too. Both Policies can be found on the menu of our website, along with all of our other policies. Hang Tags with the side that explains the policies for Our Policy On Washing Chemicals Out Of Clothes and Our Policy On Washing, Cleaning, Sanitation and As Is will also be taped on Hardware Products, all shoe wear and/or any/all of our products until our available Labels arrive with both of Our Policy On Washing Chemicals Out Of Clothes and Our Policy On Washing, Cleaning, Sanitation and As Is printed on the front of the Labels.
Our Policy On Washing, Cleaning, Sanitation and As Is (Updated As Of November 21, 2024)
Friendly Reminder: Our Policy On Cleaning, Sanitation, Washing & As Is : Please always wash and/or clean/sanitize all Second Products you purchase from Happily Rebuying That Virtual Thrift Store LLC and/or any/other thrift stores before wearing and/or using. Our Second Hand Products are not washed/cleaned/sanitized before shipping due to Customer allergy reasons, some customers may be allergic to certain Laundry Soap detergents/other cleaning products, so we just friendly remind customers to wash/clean/sanitize second hand products with their own choice of Laundry Soap/cleaning supplies they use. Our second hand products are inspected for holes, stains, tears and/or any other damage. Our second products are sold As Is only if it has No holes, No Stains, No Tears and/or No Damage to it.
This Policy can also be found in all product descriptions. A picture of this Policy can be found next to images of each product. This Policy will soon get printed on the front of labels. This policy is currently printed on the back of all of our Hang Tags. Both Policies can be found on the menu of our website, along with all of our other policies. Hang Tags with the side that explains the policies for Our Policy On Washing Chemicals Out Of Clothes and Our Policy On Washing, Cleaning, Sanitation and As Is will also be taped on Hardware Products, all shoe wear and/or any/all of our products until our available Labels arrive with both of Our Policy On Washing Chemicals Out Of Clothes and Our Policy On Washing, Cleaning, Sanitation and As Is printed on the front of the Labels.